
OALib Journal期刊

ISSN: 2333-9721




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匹配条件: “ Ana Cristina de Rezende;” ,找到相关结果约241803条。
"Gente quer luzir": figura??es de "um outro-real, um ultrarreal" no enfoque da pobreza
Chiara, Ana Cristina de Rezende;
Alea : Estudos Neolatinos , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S1517-106X2011000200003
Abstract: this article discusses images of poverty which appear in literature as well as in other languages, in a comparatist and deconstructive perspective of prejudiced and/or merciful views. the focus of the discussion is the concept of ecstasy (bataille) and of glorious face (arthur omar). the objects are: a hora da estrela (clarice lispector), the photos of migrations project (sebasti?o salgado) and the documentary film estamira (marcos prado).
Contra??o de feridas após cobertura com substitutos temporários de pele
Coelho, Maria Cristina Oliveira;Rezende, Cleuza Maria de Faria;Tenório, Ana Paula Monteiro;
Ciência Rural , 1999, DOI: 10.1590/S0103-84781999000200018
Abstract: experimentals wounds have covered with temporary skin substitutes, made of poliurethane, hidrocolloid, hemicellulose and vaseline and gauze in order to avaliate the area and contraction percentual at the 7th, 14th and 28th days. the hidrocolloidal dressing provided reduction of the initial area at the 7th day and no significant difference was observed on the other periods.
Estudo clínico e padr o de heran a em pacientes com retinose pigmentar Clinical study and pattern of inheritance in patients with retinitis pigmentosa
Ana Cristina Cotta de Queiroz,Maria Frasson,Carlos Eduardo dos Reis Veloso,Rodrigo Rezende Arantes
Revista Brasileira de Oftalmologia , 2013,
Abstract: OBJETIVO: Realizar análise epidemiológica de pacientes com retinose pigmentar (RP), caracterizando aspectos clínicos da doen a e o padr o de heran a encontrado em nosso meio, de acordo com a presen a ou n o de síndrome de Usher. MéTODOS: Foram estudados 155 pacientes com RP, tendo sido a amostra dividida em 2 grupos: grupo 1 (n=130), com pacientes diagnosticados com RP clássica, sem associa o com altera es sistêmicas; e grupo 2 (n=25), com pacientes diagnosticados com Síndrome de Usher (USH). Foram caracterizados aspectos clínicos da doen a (sexo, idade, sintomas oculares, acuidade visual, altera es do segmento anterior e posterior e altera es em exames complementares) e o padr o de heran a encontrado. Os dados foram obtidos através de anamnese, exame oftalmológico completo e exames subsidiários (campo visual manual, eletrorretinograma, retinografia simples e fluorescente), no período de fevereiro de 2003 a dezembro de 2009. Foi utilizado o programa SPSS vers o 13.0 para análise dos dados estatísticos. RESULTADOS: A heran a autoss mica recessiva foi a forma mais comumente encontrada (76,2% no grupo 1), mas em propor o maior do que a de outros trabalhos da literatura. Um menor número de casos com padr o recessivo ligado ao X (1,5%) também foi notado no grupo 1. N o houve diferen a estatisticamente significante entre as características clínicas entre os dois grupos. CONCLUS O: O padr o de heran a encontrado nos pacientes com RP clássica foi similar ao encontrado em outros trabalhos. As características clínicas foram semelhantes nos dois grupos estudados. OBJECTIVE: To make an epidemiological analysis of patients with retinitis pigmentosa (RP), characterizing clinical aspects of the disease and the pattern of inheritance found in the population studied, according to the presence or not of Usher Syndrome. METHODS: 155 patients with RP were studied and the sample was divided into two groups: group 1 (n = 130) with patients diagnosed with classical RP not associated with systemic symptoms; and group 2 (n = 25) with patients diagnosed with Usher syndrome (USH). We characterized clinical aspects of the disease (sex, age, ocular symptoms, visual acuity and anterior and posterior segment changes) and the pattern of inheritance. Data were obtained through medical history, complete ophthalmic examination and complementary exams (manual visual field, electroretinogram, retinography and fluorescent angiography) for the period of February 2003 to December 2009. We used SPSS version 13.0 for statistical data analysis. RESULTS: The autosomal recessive inheritance w
Avalia??o acústica e perceptivo-auditiva da voz nos momentos pré e pós-operatório da cirurgia de implante de pré-fáscia do músculo temporal
Costa, Juliana de Oliveira;Gama, Ana Cristina C?rtes;Oliveira, Jo?o Batista de;Rezende Neto, Ant?nio Lobo de;
Revista CEFAC , 2008, DOI: 10.1590/S1516-18462008000100011
Abstract: purpose: to analyze the impact of pre-fascia temporal muscle implantation in vocal fold for sulcus vocalis, using perceptual ratings, acoustical analysis and spectrograms analysis. methods: it is a retrospective study. we reviewed the records of the nine patients who underwent pre-fascia temporal muscle implantation for sulcus vocalis. perceptual voice ratings [grade, roughness, breathiness, asthenia, and strain (grbas)], acoustical analysis and spectrogram analysis were analyzed. perceptual voice ratings was carried out by three speech-language pathologists and spectrograms analysis by three speech language pathology students after three hours of training. results: perceptual ratings (grbas): statistically significant improvement was found just in parameter b (breathiness) t>1.734. analysis acoustical: the fundamental frequency decreased and the maximum phonation time increased after surgery. spectrogram analysis: harmonic form and periodicity remained without improvement after treatment. the noise of spectrogram decreased and harmonic definition increased after treatment. conclusion: the patients who underwent pre-fascia temporal muscle implantation for sulcus vocalis showed improvement in perceptual rating of breathiness (b), fundamental frequency, maximum phonation time and spectrograms analysis (noise decreased and harmonic definition increased).
Ana Paula Rezende dos Santos,Joana Cristina Neves de Menezes Faria,Simone Mar ia Teixeira de Sabóia-Morais
Ciência Animal Brasileira , 2010,
Abstract: Poecilia vivipara (guaru), a neotropical, small, euryhalinefish, has been being used as a biomonitor. Dorsal and ventralmuscles of Poecilia vivipara were analyzed to standardize methodologiesfor evaluating the normal tissue structure, in order to usethem in toxicity studies. Thus, chemical and physical fixations werecarried out, aiming at the histological and histochemical proceduresof staining and reaction. The methods HE and MT revealed theorganization of SSMF with epiaxial and hypaxial muscle bundlesand associated conjunctive. MA marked the SSMF and facilitatedthe observation of sarcomeres in the presence of a thin metacromaticallystained band. Part of the SSMF was positive PAS andreactive amylase, indicating the distribution of glycogen withinthe fibers. In the presence of SBB the fibers were reactive mainlyin the dorsal region, indicating the presence of lipids. Cells withmitochondrial enzyme-rich cytoplasm were found in SDH pH 10.5.The SSMF stained with AT were arranged in alternating transversebands, which correspond to the pattern seen under the MET. The useof these methodologies allowed the indication of Poecilia viviparamuscles as a tool for environmental variations studies, because itsnormal structure is standard in teleosts.
Ocorrência de enteroparasitoses em portadores de transtornos mentais assistidos na Clínica de Repouso S?o Marcello em Aracaju (SE)
Souza,Paula Andreza de Carvalho; Faro,Cynthia Cristina Pagliari de; Pinheiro,Malone Santos; Rezende Neto,José Melquiades de; Brito,Ana Maria Guedes de;
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva , 2010, DOI: 10.1590/S1413-81232010000700015
Abstract: the interhuman transmission, low level of personal hygiene, coprophagic habits, among others, may contribute to the dissemination of enteroparasitosis in individuals with mental diseases. the object of this paper was to verify the occurrence of enteroparasitosis in individuals with mental diseases assisted at s?o marcello nursing home in aracaju, sergipe state, in the period between february and may at 2006, and track epidemiological aspects of the transmission. so, coproparasitologic exams were performed, and samples were manipulated by hoffmann, pons or janner (1932) technique. the epidemiological data was obtained from questionnaires applied to the legal responsible for each individual. there were 62.22% of patients infected by at least one parasite. inadequacies regarding sanitation, habitation and habits of personal hygiene were also observed. this study stressed the importance of a constant monitoring of parasitisms and the continuous observance of the conditions that favor their transmission.
Prevalence of enamel defects and associated risk factors in both dentitions in preterm and full term born children
Cruvinel, Vanessa Resende Nogueira;Gravina, Danuze Batista Lamas;Azevedo, Tatiana Degani Paes Leme;Rezende, Catharina Siqueira de;Bezerra, Ana Cristina Barreto;Toledo, Orlando Ayrton de;
Journal of Applied Oral Science , 2012, DOI: 10.1590/S1678-77572012000300003
Abstract: objectives: the aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of enamel defects and their risk factors on primary and permanent dentitions of prematurely born children and full-term born children born at regional hospital of asa sul, brasília, df, brazil. material and methods: eighty 5-10-year-old children of both genders were examined, being 40 born prematurely (g1) and 40 born full term (g2). the demographic variables, medical history and oral health behaviors were retrieved using a questionnaire and data obtained from clinical examination were recorded. the teeth were examined and the presence of enamel defects was diagnosed according to the dde index and registered in odontograms. subsequently, the defects were categorized in four groups according to one of the criteria proposed in 1992 by the fdi commission on oral health, research and epidemiology. kruskal-wallis, chi-square, kappa, mann-whitney tests and logistic regression were used for statistical analysis. results: 75% of total sample had enamel defects. there was a major prevalence of hypoplasia of the enamel in g1 (p<0.001). there was a significant relationship between low weight and presence of the imperfections on the enamel in g1 on the primary dentition. the logistic regression model showed that the other risk factors such as monthly per capita family income, educational level, dietary and hygiene habits, fluoride exposure, trauma, and diseases were not associated with enamel defects and caries. conclusions: pre-term labor can be a predisposing factor for the presence of the enamel hypoplasia in the primary dentition.
Centro de informa??o jurídica eletr?nico e virtual
Rezende, Ana Paula de;
Ciência da Informa??o , 2000, DOI: 10.1590/S0100-19652000000100006
Abstract: it presents model of law library that suggests the potentiality of the information's system, without the necessity of considerable physical increase of the internal quantity. its structure, supported by connection with banks and databases, electronic networks of communication and situated eletronics libraries intern and external, will allow to access to a much more ample and diversified set of sources and quantities than the one that, in traditional form, exists internally completing this structure.
Efeito do Plasma Rico em Plaquetas na apoptose pós-traumática de condrócitos
Rezende, Márcia Uch?a de;Silva, Ronald Bispo Barreto da;Bassit, Ana Cristina Ferreira;Tatsui, Nelson Hidekazu;Sadigursky, David;Bolliger Neto, Raul;
Acta Ortopédica Brasileira , 2011, DOI: 10.1590/S1413-78522011000200008
Abstract: objective: to evaluate if the injection of intra-articular platelet-rich plasma (prp) can reduce impact-induced chondrocyte apoptosis. methods: a double-blind experimental study was developed in four knees of two adult rabbits. each knee was injured after anesthesia. subsequently, 1ml prp was injected in the right knees and 1ml of normal saline (ns) in the left knees. the animals were euthanized ten days after the intervention. all cartilage was removed from the 4 knees and prepared for analysis in electron microscopy (em). results: four em samples were obtained. the prp-injected knees showed apoptosis rates of 47,62% (50/105) and 48,36% (59/122), respectively. ns-injected knees showed 56.67% (17/30) and 70.40% (88/125) of apoptosis. prp-injected knees had statistically significant less apoptosis (48.02%) than ns-injected ones, (67.74%, p<0,001) and odds ratio of 0.439 (95% ci=0.287-0.673). conclusion: immediately post-traumatic intra-articular injection of prp reduces impact-induced chondrocyte apoptosis in rabbits.
Citocinas e quimiocinas no transplante renal
Pereira, André Barreto;Rezende, Nilton Alves de;Teixeira Junior, Ant?nio Lúcio;Teixeira, Mauro Martins;Sim?es e Silva, Ana Cristina;
Jornal Brasileiro de Nefrologia , 2009, DOI: 10.1590/S0101-28002009000400007
Abstract: renal transplantation is currently the best modality of renal substitutive therapy. unfortunately graft survival is interrupted by episodes of acute rejection or even interstitial fibrosis/tubular atrophy. the measurement of urinary chemokines and cytokines as an alternative tool to diagnose these complications has been reported in past years. those substances are clearly related to the immunoinflammatory mechanisms of renal transplantation, and can be detected in renal tissue, plasma, and urine samples of transplant recipients. anti-inflammatory drugs, renin-angiotensin system inhibitors, and some antagonists of cytokines' receptors, although used only experimentally, can interfere with the expression of these immune system mediators and consequently alter renal transplantation outcome. this article reviewed studies on the measurement of cytokines/ chemokines and their receptors in urine, plasma, and renal tissue of transplant recipients, aiming at evaluating a possible association of the levels of those mediators with renal transplantation complications and allograft survival.

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